Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Longevity and Loyalty - MY Story

So this week I celebrated my 6th year anniversary with The Employment Store - some days it feels like just yesterday and others seem just a bit longer. Getting calls and emails from my co-workers and the owners allowed me to reflect on how much I have changed and grown over the last 6 years. It also made me think that I am contrary to mainstream, 6 years is now considered a LONG time to be with one company. Most people would be on their 3rd job by now.

So how did they do it?

How did my company not only attract, but retain me?

Planned or not (most of our success as a small, local and successful business is due to our flexibility) I was given opportunities to create opportunity. I have been able to come up with new ideas and see how I could impact the bottom line both positively and negatively. I have been allowed to learn, grow, make mistakes and have major wins! I have been able to teach, mentor and educate new and existing staff; all of these factors play in to what my company and the owners empowered me to be and try.

Interestingly enough, in a year that was tough for many, words such as "thank you" and "we appreciate you" go a long way in keeping people motivated. Knowing that the owners are working just as hard if not harder and just as long (usually longer) than I to keep our business growing that is what has kept me always striving to be better.

I have been able to join groups and community organizations that allow me to continue to grow not just professionally but personally, some of this happens "on company time" and this is looked at as a valuable use of my time. (some people I network with don't have this type of support at all)

Retention for me has been about all of these things, but it is also about trusting the organization you work for, trusting the people you work with and important for me is to be and feel trusted to make decisions; some call it empowerment, I am calling it trust.

Look at your team, yourself, what does longevity and loyalty mean to you?


MOM said...

Congrats Danielle... As I read your blog I realized from the short time that I have known you, that Brian and the team at the Employment store has been trusting and empowering to you so that you have been able to explore new levels in your career. But I hope you know that you too are trustworthy and empowering. I have experienced this first hand from you. A true professional.
Suzette Smith

Unknown said...

Longevity and loyalty are soothing nice words. Is that your secret to the success of your small business? Payroll service and employee interaction are your expertise. That's why you have this blog with handful of good comments. I agree with your mom, and for her to comment here is a sweet thing.

You are great handling your own company and payroll. Nevada friends of yours surely will be proud of you when you get home.

Those graphs and drawn explanation were good!