Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Are Employees Discontent and Considering Leaving? Studies say YES

So here are some statistics to start out this conversation: employee engagement is down 9%. But among high performing professionals, that disengagement dropped to 25%

According to surveys released a few weeks ago, by Monster and Human Capital Institute, cynicism is on the rise:

57% of workers believe employers are exploiting the recession to drive longer hours and lower pay from their workforce.

58% believe employers are less concerned about employee retention, and 50% are more concerned about top performers leaving than before the recession.

43% of workers believe employers are now less tolerant of dissent and challenges to authority.

Only 26% excuse their employers for requiring layoffs and longer hours because they believe their employer’s hands were forced by the recession.

48% of workers say their productivity has been affected by a fear of being laid off.

The study concludes by recommending four strategies: communication, employee development, flexibility, and delegation/empowerment. In short, what they are recommending is to start paying closer attention to what the employee needs; not just squeezing harder to get more of what the company needs.

I recently discussed these employment trends with YNN news reporter Leah George at our Rochester Headquarters: http://rochester.ynn.com/all-regions-news-2134-content/all_news/rochester/488265/reports-put-hard-numbers-on-employee-discontent

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